1·S. next year, analysts said. The euro zone's debt crisis , along with austerity measures announced in Greece, Ireland, Spain and Germany, may further hamper growth.
2·Stringent job dismissal regulations adversely affect productivity growth and hamper both prosperity and overall well-being.
3·But some conditions, such as excessive stress and depression, hamper the growth of newborn nerve cells.
4·Mr Li said the high cost of housing could hamper future growth by slowing urbanisation.
5·Recent research suggests the fear that warming oceans could hamper phytoplankton growth may be real.
6·Your goal should be to focus on your strengths and fix any problems that could hamper your growth.
7·Stocks tumbled on Wednesday as Fitch Ratings said further contagion from Europe's debt crisis will pose a risk to American Banks and concerns rose that higher oil prices would hamper economic growth.
8·Deflation is a burden as it can hamper economic growth by depressing company profits, sparking wage cuts and causing consumers to postpone purchases.
9·If there is not much love lost, still unimportant little things do hamper the growth of a lovely relationship.